Applicants/Students are advised to carefully read this article application starts for the IOE semester examination Step 1: Background E...
Applicants/Students are advised to carefully read this article
application starts for the IOE semester examination
Step 1:Background
Examination Control Division (ECD) of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University
is the one busiest organization within IOE. ECD conducts several examinations
throughout the year. ECD conducts bi-annual semester exams for regular and back exam
of bachelor of engineering students having 10 streams (Civil, Computer, Electronics,
Electrical, Mechanical, Geomatics, Automobile, Agriculture, Industrial and
Architecture) in its four constituent campuses and ten affiliated colleges. Similarly,
ECD also conducts bi-annual exams in constituent campuses for masters of engineering
programs having seven streams and 24 sub-streams.
Examination registrations of all programs, exam center management, examinees detail
verifications, exam roll number and admit card generations, collections of internal,
projects, survey marks and its processing/verifications, coding/decoding of the answer
sheets, packaging, expert assignments, air and ground transportations and delivery of
packets/questions, tracking of packets, secure result processing and result publications,
question setting arrangement, re-totaling managements, error correction and verification
and many more are the quite challenging events continuously to be handled by ECD of
IOE requiring more human resources and time critical management of all activities to
adapt with the defined calendar.
The increase of streams and examinees every year demand more on all other relevant
resources making the system more complex for operation and management within the
existing non-automated manual system. Hence, to consider the efficient, reliable, secure
and transparent operation and management of the system, IOE has decided to transform
exam operation and management into automated system. As a first phase of automation
implementation, IOE has lunched the online system since the year 2074 (2017) to
receive application and processing of exam form for the BE/BArch examination.
This “How to Apply” document provide the step-by-step procedure on how to
successfully apply via online for the declared semester exam of IOE.
Step 1:Background
Examination Control Division (ECD) of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University
is the one busiest organization within IOE. ECD conducts several examinations
throughout the year. ECD conducts bi-annual semester exams for regular and back exam
of bachelor of engineering students having 10 streams (Civil, Computer, Electronics,
Electrical, Mechanical, Geomatics, Automobile, Agriculture, Industrial and
Architecture) in its four constituent campuses and ten affiliated colleges. Similarly,
ECD also conducts bi-annual exams in constituent campuses for masters of engineering
programs having seven streams and 24 sub-streams.
Examination registrations of all programs, exam center management, examinees detail
verifications, exam roll number and admit card generations, collections of internal,
projects, survey marks and its processing/verifications, coding/decoding of the answer
sheets, packaging, expert assignments, air and ground transportations and delivery of
packets/questions, tracking of packets, secure result processing and result publications,
question setting arrangement, re-totaling managements, error correction and verification
and many more are the quite challenging events continuously to be handled by ECD of
IOE requiring more human resources and time critical management of all activities to
adapt with the defined calendar.
The increase of streams and examinees every year demand more on all other relevant
resources making the system more complex for operation and management within the
existing non-automated manual system. Hence, to consider the efficient, reliable, secure
and transparent operation and management of the system, IOE has decided to transform
exam operation and management into automated system. As a first phase of automation
implementation, IOE has lunched the online system since the year 2074 (2017) to
receive application and processing of exam form for the BE/BArch examination.
This “How to Apply” document provide the step-by-step procedure on how to
successfully apply via online for the declared semester exam of IOE.
2 Unique IOE Roll Number
(i) With the objective to provide resources currently available and considering
future benefits like to provide result, notices, mark sheets etc., to the individual
inbox of student, IOE has defined the 12 character string to its bachelor students
and is implementing this as Unique IOE Roll Number from the year 2074 (2017)
(ii) Unique IOE Roll Number has the following format:
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